Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) A+ Listings Services

What Is Amazon A+ Content (EBC)?

Amazon A+ Content, previously known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), is a premium feature offered by Amazon to brand-registered sellers and vendors. It allows these sellers to enhance their product detail pages with rich, multimedia content to provide a more engaging and informative shopping experience for customers. Here are some key features and benefits of Amazon A+ Content:

Multimedia Content: A+ Content enables sellers to include various types of multimedia content on their product detail pages. This can include high-quality images, videos, comparison charts, and more. These elements help potential buyers understand the product better.

Improved Branding: With A+ Content, sellers can tell their brand’s story and showcase their products in a more visually appealing and professional manner. It allows for greater brand customization and differentiation from competitors.

Enhanced Product Information: Sellers can use A+ Content to provide in-depth information about their products, including features, benefits, and usage instructions. This helps customers make more informed purchasing decisions.

Higher Conversion Rates: Well-designed A+ Content can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales. Engaging visuals and detailed information can persuade potential customers to choose a particular product over alternatives.

SEO Benefits: A+ Content can also have SEO (Search Engine Optimization) benefits. The additional content and keywords used in A+ Content can improve the visibility of your products in Amazon’s search results.

Mobile-Friendly: A+ Content is designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring that it looks good and functions well on various devices, including Smartphone’s and tablets.

Access to Enhanced Marketing Tools: Brand-registered sellers who use A+ Content gain access to additional marketing tools and reports that can help them track the performance of their content and optimize it for better results.

It’s important to note that A+ Content is typically available to brand-registered sellers and vendors, and there may be eligibility requirements and fees associated with using this feature. It is a valuable tool for enhancing the presentation of your products on Amazon and can contribute to improved sales and customer satisfaction.


What Is The Benefits of EBC A+ Content?

Amazon’s EBC A+ Content offers several key benefits for product listings. First, it enhances product descriptions with rich multimedia elements like images and videos, creating a more engaging and informative shopping experience for customers. Second, it helps build trust by showcasing a professional brand image and highlighting unique product features. Third, it can lead to increased conversion rates as customers are better informed and more likely to make a purchase. Additionally, EBC A+ Content can improve search visibility, potentially boosting organic traffic and sales. Overall, it provides sellers with a powerful tool to effectively communicate the value of their products and drive better results on the Amazon platform.


Here are some key components and steps to create Amazon A+ Content:


Eligibility: To create A+ Content, you must be a brand-registered seller or vendor on Amazon. Brand registration requires you to have a registered trademark for your brand.

Select the Product: Choose the product for which you want to create A+ Content. Keep in mind that not all products may be eligible, and Amazon may have certain restrictions on which products can have A+ Content.

  • Create Content: A+ Content allows you to include various elements to enhance your product listings. These elements may include:
  • Text Modules: You can add detailed product descriptions, features, and benefits in a visually appealing format.
  • Images: You can include high-quality images, lifestyle photos, and product comparisons.
  • Charts and Graphs: Use visuals to highlight product specifications or performance.
  • Videos: You can embed videos to provide demonstrations or showcase the product in action.
  • Comparison Charts: Compare your product with competitors’ products to highlight its advantages.
  • Additional Information: Include warranty details, care instructions, and other useful information.

Templates: Amazon provides a variety of A+ Content templates that you can use as a starting point for your content. Choose a template that suits your product and brand style.

Content Creation: Use the template to add text, images, videos, and other elements to create engaging A+ Content. You can use Amazon’s content management tools to build and preview your content before publishing.

Review and Approval: After creating your A+ Content, Amazon will review it to ensure it complies with their guidelines and policies. This review process may take some time, so be patient.

Publish: Once your A+ Content is approved, you can publish it to the product detail page. Customers will be able to see your enhanced content when they visit the listing.

Monitor Performance: Amazon provides analytics and insights to help you track the performance of your A+ Content. You can use this data to make improvements and optimize your content for better results.


Creating Amazon A+ Content can be a valuable strategy to improve your product listings and boost sales on the platform. It’s essential to follow Amazon’s guidelines and best practices to create content that resonates with your target audience and enhances their shopping experience.